As of now, we are having a new logo made by my good friend. Hopefully, it will be done in the next week or so. When its out, I'll put it up and post a link to his facebook page!
Team practice went very well aside from Harod being a KS demon. We had some really nice skill kills and such. We're going to shoot for Saturday for our next practice. Add us to spectate or check our that I'll be making soon!

We wanna know what your favorite team composition is. Just leave us a comment or Facebook message an we'll pick out our favorites!
Team practice! Went well.

Today, we signed up for a Mobafire tournament that takes place April 21st, 2013. We decided to get our work done early and make our team comp now and work out the kinks throughout the week. The bans were Blitzcrank, Darius, Malphite, Jayce, Xin Xao, and Amumu. So we put Consantine on Nidalee, Zolkor on LeBlanc, Cellbind on Miss Fortune, Etorius on Sona, and Shalasyr on Cho'Gath. It went fairly well, but I doubt we'll use that particular build.
Woot first post. Looking forward to a great season!